
Research Articles

Face-to-face with the (animal) Other: An invitation to decolonize the anthropology of Pakistan, American Ethnologist, 50:3, 409–418.

The flight of the self: Exploring more-than-human companionship in rural Pakistan, The Australian Journal of Anthropology, 32, S1, 42–57.

Book Chapters

Mutualistic Self-Alteration: Human-Pigeon Assemblages in Rural Pakistan

Jean Paul Baldacchino & Christopher Houston eds. “Self-Alteration: How People Change Themselves across Cultures”, Rutgers University Press: New Brunswick, pp. 163-177.

Storying Cultural and Biological Diversity

Muhammad A Kavesh and Natasha Fijn eds, “Living with Diversity in a More-than-Human World,” Routledge: New York and London